॥ न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं । पवित्रमिह विद्यते ॥
Shriram Shikshan Sanstha’s

Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv

(Affiliated to SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai)
Tal: Malshiras  Dist: Solapur-413113
NAAC 1st Cycle Accredited at 'B' Grade (CGPA 2.46)
Academic & Administrative Audit (AAA) : 'A' Grade



The introduction of E-Governance in educational institutes is one such concept that can empower the governing bodies to administer, and control over the structure, processing and delivery of information, and develop the educational plan in the institute and serve various stakeholders in a much better ways.

Policy: The College will implement e-governance in most of the aspects of functioning like administration, student admissions, finance and accounts, teaching- learning, library, examinations etc. Purpose of this policy to make every functioning of the college transparent and gain belief of the stakeholders.


  • Implementation of e-governance for efficient, stakeholder friendly and transparent governance in transparent bus facility.
  • All functions of SMVM, Paniv.
  • To try to create a paperless environment in the college.
  • To provide easy and quick access to information through dynamic website.
  • To make campus Wi-Fi enabled with at least 50 mbps internet connectivity.
  • To create ICT enabled classrooms having audio system, smart boards, Projectors, etc.
  • To undertake automation of the Library and transport bus facility.

The college decides to follow the following the e-governance in the following aspects.




 Use of biometric machines to record attendance of faculty, non-teaching staff and students. Applications of students to various scholarships to be filled up and follow the progress. Affiliation proposals to be sent to university, Communication on the University and Government Offices Whenever Necessary.CollegePurches Special Software Preksha Cloud which enables Paperless administration. Demand Software Profusionx.co.in.is used .


Student admissions

Display of Advertisement, admission schedule, display of rules and regulations of University, reservation policy, filling up of admission forms, generation of merit list, finalisation of admissions in each class considering limit of intake laid down by govt. and university. After admission to first year, eligibility forms are generated, filled and submitted to university. College Purchase Special To student Support to College  Preksha Cloud Software is used.

Finance and accounts

Admission fees and other fees receipts generation, preparation of income – expenditure budget, maintenance of cashbook, ledger and vouchers.  Use of ERP Tally software.


Classrooms equipped with ICT enabled infrastructure. Use of platforms like Zoom, Google meet, etc. for online teaching-learning purpose. Group SMS facility to send notices, Whats App groups of students with teacher as Admin for sending messages, links.

Training teachers to use different platforms, creation of Google forms for collection of information and feedback forms.   Training of students to join class on different platforms, open and use Google forms. To keep record of attendance.

Access of syllabi from university website.    


1.     University Examination: Furnished and CCTV protected Examination Section to down load university question papers.

2.     Internal Examinations: After internal examination is over mark sheets and other record submitted through online mode. 

3.     Declaration of result.


Auto Lib Software is used to generate all the necessary reports. OPAC system is available for search of books in the library, Daily walk-ins are recorded automatically.  


Creation of dynamic website to  act as an information centre which will be a  mirror to  reflect about the college, all its activities, important notices, courses offered, etc. A professional service provider will be contracted and a website committee to be   formed for the administration of the college website. The Committee will look after the process of updating, maintaining and working of the website on a regular basis. The Committee will also look for other changes that are required on the website.