॥ न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं । पवित्रमिह विद्यते ॥
Shriram Shikshan Sanstha’s

Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv

(Affiliated to SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai)
Tal: Malshiras  Dist: Solapur-413113
NAAC 1st Cycle Accredited at 'B' Grade (CGPA 2.46)
Academic & Administrative Audit (AAA) : 'A' Grade

Institutional Code of Conduct for Students


  1. Our institute gives the first priority to the best discipline.
  2. We expected from college students they are obeying rules and regulations of the college to increase the smooth working capacity of the college.
  3. Examination of the students is conducted under CCTV screening if any unfair act is occurred students will be dealt with the provisions of the Maharashtra Public University Act. 2016.
  4. Students are restricted when they do anything inside or outside that decrease the college prestige.

Code of Conduct

  1. Students should always carry their valid college Identity card in college.
  2. Students should be done biometric morning before on 09.15 AM and after on 04.00 PM.
  3. During the time of lectures, the students should not loiter in and around the college premises.
  4. The students should wear the dress code which is allotted by the college.
  5. In case of any query (personal or academic), the students should report to the teachers and the Principal.
  6. The students should attend all the functions/ activities conducted by the college.
  7. Students should not carry any valuable material and funds in the college premises.
  8. Students should not carry mobile in the college campus.
  9. If any emergency (Sickness) is happens to students should call to the parents from college mobile.
  10. Students shall not celebrate birthday in the college campus.
  11. Students should give written permission of class teachers one day before leave.
  12. Mobile use is strictly prohibited in college campus.
  13. Students should park their vehicles only in the allotted parking area.
  14. In principal cabin, Administrative office, Departments and classrooms students should not enter without permission.
  15. If any emergency leave student should call and inform to the college on time 09 AM to 11 AM.
  16. During travelling obey rule of Bus Departments.
  17. Hostel students should take permission of the principal for leave other than holiday.
  18. In the laboratory students should obey all rules which are given by teachers.
  19. Students should wear saree every month second Thursday.
  20. Use common room only in sickness.
  21. Students shall not organize picnic, excursions trips on their own decision.
  22. Students should obey all rules which are allotted by exam departments. Any misbehavior seen during examination will be severely punished.
  23. Students should be cautious about not causing any damage to the college property. Any such attempt will be severely punished.
  24. Students will be admitted only after considering their past years behavior/ conduct. Students who violate disciplinary rules of the college will not be given admission or their prior admission will be cancelled.
  25. Ragging is prohibited in college – Government of Maharashtra has notified Ragging as a cognizable offence. Anyone reported to be involved in any form of ragging will be severely dealt with. Therefore Students are required to restrain from indulging in any form of ragging. In case, any student wants to complaint regarding this, he/she should immediately contact the chairman of Anti-ragging committee or the principal whichever is reportable as early as possible.