॥ न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं । पवित्रमिह विद्यते ॥
Shriram Shikshan Sanstha’s

Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv

(Affiliated to SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai)
Tal: Malshiras  Dist: Solapur-413113
NAAC 1st Cycle Accredited at 'B' Grade (CGPA 2.46)
Academic & Administrative Audit (AAA) : 'A' Grade

Institutional Code of Conduct for Teachers and Administrative Staff

Responsibility and Accountability

  1. Teachers should handle the subjects assigned by the academic coordinator.
  2. Teachers should complete the syllabus as per our plane.
  3. Teachers shall produce good results in the subjects handled by them and are accountable for the same.
  4. Teacher should perform their duties such as teaching, practical’s, seminar work, tutorial, exam work conscientiously & with dedication.
  5. Teachers should be good counselors and facilitators. They should help, guide, encourage and assist the students to ensure that the Teaching-Learning Process is effective and successful. Value based education must be their motto.
  6. Teachers should maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
  7. Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular and organizational activities that may be assigned to them from time to time.
  8. Teachers should make professional growth continuous through study & research.
  9. Teachers should maintain active membership of professional organizations & strive to improve education & profession through them.

Punctuality and Attendance

  1. Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in the campus unless and otherwise they are assigned duties elsewhere.
  2. Prior written permission should be obtained for reporting late in the morning or leaving early without detriment to their duties. This is subject to restrictions as regards frequency. Permission for going out of the College shall not be given during the class hours.
  3. Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty and also mark Biometric attendance as per rules.
  4. Teachers are expected to be present in the college campus at least 10 minutes before the College beginning time.
  5. Teachers should remain in the campus till the end of the College hours.


  1. For the every academic year 12 CL and 10 SL allotted to each staff.
  2. Maternity leave will be Sanctioned with Pay as per Government norms
  3. Prior written permission is required from the Principal / at least a day in advance while availing CL or DL. However, an emerging CL will be sanctioned on telephonic reporting or so.
  4. Not more than 25% of staff members in a Department will be allowed to go on DL / CL on a particular day.
  5. DL will be allowed for the evaluation work in a year as per the norms laid down by the University time to time.
  6. Half a day CL will be sanctioned.
  7. The causal leave can be availed as per the statutes of the university.
  8. All must report for duty on the reopening day and the last working day of each semester.
  9. Medical Leave (SL) will be sanctioned only for medical reasons. Medical Certificate will be verified for its genuineness.
  10. Study leave for higher studies will be granted as per the rules of govt. of Maharashtra or the UGC.


  1. Non-Teaching staff working in the College office or departments should remain on Duty during College hours. They should report for duty at least 30 minutes in advance.
  2. Non-Teaching staff should wear the Uniform provided by the Management.
  3. Non-Teaching staff must always wear their identity cards during the working hours.
  4. Non-Teaching Staff assigned should keep the college premises clean.
  5. Any Loss or damage to any article in the Lab or Class Room should be reported to the HOD in writing immediately.
  6. Non-Teaching Staff, working in the Lab/Library, shall maintain a stock register for all the books, articles, equipment’s, chemicals, etc. It shall be submitted to the HOD and the Principal at the end of each semester and their signatures obtained.
  7. For articles damaged by the students a separate register should be maintained and if any money is collected from the student towards damages, as per the direction of the HOD, the amount shall be handed over to the College Accounts Staff, for deposit in the College account.
  8. Non-teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.
  9. Non-Teaching staff shall not leave the College premises without permission before the prescribed time.

Disciplinary Action

Violation or non-observance of the service rules will invite punishment either in the form of censure or deferment of increment or suspension or termination from service after a due enquiry at the discretion of the management.

The Management appeals to all staff members to work as a team in institution-building and in upgrading our institution to achieve Excellence in Higher Learning