॥ न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं । पवित्रमिह विद्यते ॥
Shriram Shikshan Sanstha’s

Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv

(Affiliated to SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai)
Tal: Malshiras  Dist: Solapur-413113
NAAC 1st Cycle Accredited at 'B' Grade (CGPA 2.46)
Academic & Administrative Audit (AAA) : 'A' Grade

Institutional Distinctiveness


Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv, has played a pivotal role in providing educational opportunities to the girl students from rural areas of Malshiras Taluka. The College has completed 11 years of its existence by promoting excellence in the field of education. This Institution has earned its reputation for being a premier Institution in the University, which is well known for academics, sports and other extra- curricular activities. College is known for learning ambiance with secure and safe campus for women. 

The Management of Shriram Shikshan Sanstha, Paniv has established this College even though in 2012 but actually started in 2014. For imparting education to the first generation girl learners of rural areas of Malshiras Taluka to bring about a radical change in the society. Malshiras taluka is having more percentage of NT and OBC population. There is tendency of early marriage of girls before completion of the education. In this college percentage of girls getting education even after marriage is more. Thus even after marriage, girls have opportunity to continue their education.

Admission to female students only and a large number of female staff recruited is a manifestation that women empowerment which is the need of the hour is prevalent. The College commenced with a humble beginning that followed a prosperous path. This Institution has progressed spectacularly acquiring all pre-requisite affiliation from SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. Today the College has gained name and fame as a reputed educational entity in academic, sports and cultural activities by providing access to quality education for all, with a special emphasis on under privileged students enrolling from geographically backward area within the Malshiras taluka.

Research finds a prime position in the minds of the students and faculty and it reflects in the quality of work done so far for the benefit of the society and mankind. As a consequence, the College has established Post Graduate Centre in Analytical Chemistry, where students have to undertake research project.

The performance of our students in examination is exceptional in spite of the fact that majority of them have a rural background. The passing percentage in University examinations is more than 85% every year. It is a matter of pride that a student of first batch of M.Sc. secured first rank in the University and fetched the gold medal. The secret of success is the supportive teaching which is undertaken to cater to the needs of slow learners. Mentoring has also helped the students to get rid of academic and stress related problems. Special training program by reputed Unique Academy, Pune is also imparted to students to appear for competitive exams. Yoga and meditation sessions have helped the students to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. Besides, academics our students have brought laurels to the Institution by excelling in various sports and cultural programs both at State and Inter-Collegiate level.

College has NSS unit of 100 volunteers. It gives students to participate in social activities and generates social attitude in students which is very essential.

The College has emerged stronger in its pursuit for quality assurance to make this Institution a Centre for Excellence in line with the College Vision.

The college organizes a number of extension activities in the surrounding communities through NSS and College  to promote a strong college-neighborhood linkage and inculcate and help to hone their leadership, organizational and communication skills.

Therefore, the College is able to put into practice the several considerations addressed to by its goals and objectives, that is:

Access to the disadvantaged

  • To women, especially in rural settings.


  • Equal opportunities to all students.


  • Providing platforms for participation in several co-curricular activities.

Community and National development

  • Through several extension programs and activities.

Value orientation and employment

  • By providing opportunities through the introduction of the various value-added courses.

ICT implementation to enhance teaching-learning

  • By providing state-of-the-art ICT tools in classrooms and lab for enhanced teaching-learning experience.