Vice Principal’s Message

Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv has its deep roots in the field of education in the Paniv and I feel proud and privileged to become a member of this family. Our students have reached the greater heights as inspired by the motto “Na hi Dnyanen Sadrusham Pavitramih Vidyate”. The students admit in the college with a great hope to achieve their dreams. The aim of the college always has been to bring out the best in the students and make them better citizens. The college always tries to inculcate among the students the academic excellence, a sense of responsibility, discipline and above all moral and humanitarian values which are a need of the time.
Many people consider education as a medium of getting good jobs, earning money and living a royal life. But education doesn’t really mean this. Real meaning comes when one’s way of thinking gets changed and one starts thinking for the betterment of the society, nation and world at large. On the whole education means holistic development of students not only restricted to the achievements in academics but also helping the students to come up with the inherited knowledge to build a better tomorrow; with a disciplined way of life.
I foresee a better future of the students in this institution and with the cooperation of the parents. We can let our students to achieve a great new height. I wish all the best to our staff and students. Let us make the change in the world.
Mr. Vinod Vishnu Babar
Vice Principal
Shriram Mahila Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya, Paniv